- Nikto --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Multiple IPs found:,,, 2606:4700:20::681a:f11, 2606:4700:20::ac43:4837, 2606:4700:20::681a:e11 + Target IP: + Target Hostname: + Target Port: 80 + Start Time: 2024-09-10 17:31:59 (GMT-4) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Server: cloudflare + /: An alt-svc header was found which is advertising HTTP/3. The endpoint is: ':443'. Nikto cannot test HTTP/3 over QUIC. See: + /cgi-915/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-sys/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /scripts/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-win/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-exe/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /scgi-bin/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-mod/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /webcgi/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /cgi-915/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /bin/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /mpcgi/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /scripts/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /cgi-win/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /scgi-bin/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /cgi-mod/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /cgi-915/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /bin/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /cgi-sys/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /scripts/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /cgi-win/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /scgi-bin/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /cgi-mod/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /webcgi/flexform: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /cgi-915/flexform: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /cgi/flexform: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /cgi-bin/flexform: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /cgi-sys/flexform: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/flexform: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See: + /webcgi/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /mpcgi/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-bin/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-sys/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-win/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /webcgi/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /bin/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /scripts/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-win/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-exe/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /scgi-bin/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /webcgi/lwgate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /bin/lwgate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /mpcgi/lwgate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-sys/lwgate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-win/lwgate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/lwgate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /mpcgi/LWGate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-bin/LWGate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-exe/LWGate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /scgi-bin/LWGate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/LWGate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /cgi-mod/LWGate: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See: + /webcgi/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /cgi/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /mpcgi/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /cgi-bin/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /cgi-sys/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /scripts/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /cgi-win/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /cgi-exe/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /cgi-mod/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See: + /lists/admin/: PHPList pre 2.6.4 contains a number of vulnerabilities including remote administrative access, harvesting user info and more. Default login to admin interface is admin/phplist. + /sshome/: Siteseed pre 1.4.2 has 'major' security problems. + /tiki/tiki-install.php: Tiki 1.7.2 and previous allowed restricted Wiki pages to be viewed via a 'URL trick'. Default login/pass could be admin/admin. + /scripts/samples/details.idc: NT ODBC Remote Compromise. See: + /cgi-915/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners. + /bin/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners. + /cgi/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners. + /cgi-bin/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners. + /cgi-sys/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners. + /cgi-win/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners. + /cgi-mod/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners. + /cgi-915/finger: finger other users, may be other commands?. + /bin/finger: finger other users, may be other commands?. + /cgi/finger: finger other users, may be other commands?. + /mpcgi/finger: finger other users, may be other commands?. + /scripts/finger: finger other users, may be other commands?. + /cgi-bin-sdb/finger: finger other users, may be other commands?. + /cgi-mod/finger: finger other users, may be other commands?. + /webcgi/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See: + /cgi-915/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See: + /cgi/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See: + /cgi-sys/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See: + /scripts/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See: + /scgi-bin/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See: + /cgi-mod/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See: + /webcgi/guestbook/passwd: GuestBook r4 from stores the admin password in a plain text file. + /cgi-915/guestbook/passwd: GuestBook r4 from stores the admin password in a plain text file. + /bin/guestbook/passwd: GuestBook r4 from stores the admin password in a plain text file. + /cgi/guestbook/passwd: GuestBook r4 from stores the admin password in a plain text file. + /mpcgi/guestbook/passwd: GuestBook r4 from stores the admin password in a plain text file. + /cgi-bin-sdb/guestbook/passwd: GuestBook r4 from stores the admin password in a plain text file. + /webcgi/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems. + /cgi-915/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems. + /bin/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems. + /cgi/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems. + /scripts/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems. + /cgi-win/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems. + /cgi-bin-sdb/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems. + /webcgi/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories. + /bin/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories. + /mpcgi/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories. + /cgi-bin/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories. + /cgi-win/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories. + /cgi-exe/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories. + /scgi-bin/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories. + /cgi-bin-sdb/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories. + /~root/: Allowed to browse root's home directory. See: + /forums//adm/config.php: PHP Config file may contain database IDs and passwords. + /forums/config.php: PHP Config file may contain database IDs and passwords. + /hola/admin/cms/htmltags.php?datei=./sec/data.php: hola-cms-1.2.9-10 may reveal the administrator ID and password. See: + /inc/common.load.php: Bookmark4U v1.8.3 include files are not protected and may contain remote source injection by using the 'prefix' variable. See: + /inc/config.php: Bookmark4U v1.8.3 include files are not protected and may contain remote source injection by using the 'prefix' variable. See: + /webcgi/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /bin/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /mpcgi/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /cgi-bin/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /scripts/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /cgi-win/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /cgi-exe/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /scgi-bin/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /cgi-915/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /bin/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /mpcgi/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /scripts/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /cgi-win/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /cgi-exe/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /scgi-bin/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /cgi-bin-sdb/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /cgi-mod/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more. + /webcgi/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon. + /mpcgi/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon. + /cgi-sys/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon. + /cgi-exe/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon. + /scgi-bin/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon. + /cgi-bin-sdb/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon. + /cgi-mod/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon. + /webcgi/ss: Mediahouse Statistics Server may allow attackers to execute remote commands. Upgrade to the latest version or remove from the CGI directory. + /cgi-915/ss: Mediahouse Statistics Server may allow attackers to execute remote commands. Upgrade to the latest version or remove from the CGI directory. + /bin/ss: Mediahouse Statistics Server may allow attackers to execute remote commands. Upgrade to the latest version or remove from the CGI directory. + /cgi/ss: Mediahouse Statistics Server may allow attackers to execute remote commands. Upgrade to the latest version or remove from the CGI directory. + /cgi-win/ss: Mediahouse Statistics Server may allow attackers to execute remote commands. Upgrade to the latest version or remove from the CGI directory. + /geeklog/users.php: Geeklog prior to 1.3.8-1sr2 contains a SQL injection vulnerability that lets a remote attacker reset admin password. See: + /gb/index.php?login=true: gBook may allow admin login by setting the value 'login' equal to 'true'. See: + /guestbook/admin.php: Guestbook admin page available without authentication. + /cgi/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH. + /scripts/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH. + /cgi-win/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH. + /cgi-exe/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH. + /cgi-mod/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH. + /webcgi/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See: + /cgi-915/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See: + /bin/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See: + /cgi/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See: + /mpcgi/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See: + /cgi-bin/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See: + /cgi-sys/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See: + /scripts/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See: + /cgi-win/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See: + /scgi-bin/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See: + /cgi-mod/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See: + /getaccess: This may be an indication that the server is running getAccess for SSO. + /webcgi/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See: + /bin/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See: + /cgi/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See: + /mpcgi/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See: + /cgi-win/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See: + /cgi-exe/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See: + /scgi-bin/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See: + /cgi-mod/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See: + /cgi-915/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface. + /bin/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface. + /scripts/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface. + /cgi-exe/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface. + /cgi-bin-sdb/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface. + /cgi/auth_data/auth_user_file.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /mpcgi/auth_data/auth_user_file.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /cgi-bin/auth_data/auth_user_file.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /cgi-win/auth_data/auth_user_file.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /cgi-exe/auth_data/auth_user_file.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /scgi-bin/auth_data/auth_user_file.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /cgi-mod/auth_data/auth_user_file.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /webcgi/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /cgi-bin/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /scripts/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /scgi-bin/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /cgi-bin-sdb/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /cgi-mod/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /webcgi/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /mpcgi/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /cgi-bin/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /scripts/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /cgi-win/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /cgi-exe/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /cgi-mod/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules. + /cgi/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /scripts/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /cgi-win/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /cgi-mod/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /cgi-915/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /cgi-bin/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /cgi-exe/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /webcgi/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See: + /bin/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See: + /cgi-bin/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See: + /scripts/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See: + /cgi-win/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See: + /cgi-exe/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See: + /scgi-bin/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See: + /cgi/blog/: A blog was found. May contain security problems in CGIs, weak passwords, and more. + /mpcgi/blog/: A blog was found. May contain security problems in CGIs, weak passwords, and more. + /scripts/blog/: A blog was found. May contain security problems in CGIs, weak passwords, and more. + /cgi-exe/blog/: A blog was found. May contain security problems in CGIs, weak passwords, and more. + /webcgi/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload. + /cgi/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload. + /mpcgi/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload. + /cgi-bin/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload. + /cgi-sys/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload. + /scripts/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload. + /cgi-exe/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload. + /scgi-bin/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload. + /cgi-bin-sdb/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload. + /cgi-mod/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload. + /vgn/performance/TMT/Report: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/ppstats: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/previewer: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/vr/Saving: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /scripts/tools/ctss.idc: This CGI allows remote users to view and modify SQL DB contents, server paths, docroot and more. + /bigconf.cgi: BigIP Configuration CGI. + /SiteServer/Admin/commerce/foundation/domain.asp: Displays known domains of which that server is involved. See: + /cgi-915/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See: + /bin/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See: + /cgi/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See: + /mpcgi/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See: + /scripts/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See: + /cgi-win/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See: + /scgi-bin/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See: + /scripts/Carello/Carello.dll: Carello 1.3 may allow commands to be executed on the server by replacing hidden form elements. This could not be tested by Nikto. See: + /scripts/tools/dsnform: Allows creation of ODBC Data Source. + /readme.eml: Remote server may be infected with the Nimda virus. + /scripts/httpodbc.dll: Possible IIS backdoor found. + /scripts/proxy/w3proxy.dll: MSProxy v1.0 installed. + /siteseed/: Siteseed pre 1.4.2 have 'major' security problems. + /iisadmin/: Access to /iisadmin should be restricted to localhost or allowed hosts only. + /w-agora/: w-agora pre 4.1.4 may allow a remote user to execute arbitrary PHP scripts via URL includes in include/*.php and user/*.php files. Default account is 'admin' but password set during install. + /bin/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See: + /cgi-bin/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See: + /cgi-win/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See: + /cgi-exe/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See: + /cgi-915/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded. + /bin/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded. + /cgi-bin/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded. + /cgi-exe/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded. + /scgi-bin/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded. + /cgi-bin-sdb/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded. + /cgi-mod/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded. + /cgi-915/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See: + /bin/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See: + /mpcgi/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See: + /cgi-bin/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See: + /cgi-win/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See: + /cgi-exe/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See: + /scgi-bin/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See: + /mpcgi/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-bin/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-sys/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /scripts/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-exe/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /scgi-bin/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-bin-sdb/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-915/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-sys/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /scripts/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-win/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /scgi-bin/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-bin-sdb/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-mod/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /webcgi/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-915/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-bin/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-win/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-exe/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-mod/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow. + /cgi-915/foxweb.dll: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See: + /cgi/foxweb.dll: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See: + /mpcgi/foxweb.dll: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See: + /cgi-bin/foxweb.dll: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See: + /cgi-sys/foxweb.dll: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See: + /scripts/foxweb.dll: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See: + /cgi-win/foxweb.dll: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See: + /scgi-bin/foxweb.dll: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/foxweb.dll: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See: + /cgi-mod/foxweb.dll: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See: + /cgi-915/mgrqcgi: This CGI from Magic Enterprise 8.30-5 and earlier is vulnerable to multiple buffer overflows. Upgrade to 9.x. + /cgi-sys/mgrqcgi: This CGI from Magic Enterprise 8.30-5 and earlier is vulnerable to multiple buffer overflows. Upgrade to 9.x. + /scripts/mgrqcgi: This CGI from Magic Enterprise 8.30-5 and earlier is vulnerable to multiple buffer overflows. Upgrade to 9.x. + /cgi-exe/mgrqcgi: This CGI from Magic Enterprise 8.30-5 and earlier is vulnerable to multiple buffer overflows. Upgrade to 9.x. + /scgi-bin/mgrqcgi: This CGI from Magic Enterprise 8.30-5 and earlier is vulnerable to multiple buffer overflows. Upgrade to 9.x. + /cgi-bin-sdb/mgrqcgi: This CGI from Magic Enterprise 8.30-5 and earlier is vulnerable to multiple buffer overflows. Upgrade to 9.x. + /cgi-mod/mgrqcgi: This CGI from Magic Enterprise 8.30-5 and earlier is vulnerable to multiple buffer overflows. Upgrade to 9.x. + /webcgi/wconsole.dll: It may be possible to overflow this dll with 1024 bytes of data. + /mpcgi/wconsole.dll: It may be possible to overflow this dll with 1024 bytes of data. + /cgi-win/wconsole.dll: It may be possible to overflow this dll with 1024 bytes of data. + /scgi-bin/wconsole.dll: It may be possible to overflow this dll with 1024 bytes of data. + /pbserver/pbserver.dll: This may contain a buffer overflow. See: + /administrator/gallery/uploadimage.php: Mambo PHP Portal/Server 4.0.12 BETA and below may allow upload of any file type simply putting '.jpg' before the real file extension. + /pafiledb/includes/team/file.php: paFileDB 3.1 and below may allow file upload without authentication. + /phpEventCalendar/file_upload.php: phpEventCalendar 1.1 and prior are vulnerable to file upload bug. + /servlet/com.unify.servletexec.UploadServlet: This servlet allows attackers to upload files to the server. + /scripts/cpshost.dll: Posting acceptor possibly allows you to upload files. + /upload.asp: An ASP page that allows attackers to upload files to server. + /vgn/ac/data: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/ac/edit: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/ac/fsave: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/asp/MetaDataUpdate: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/asp/previewer: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/asp/status: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/asp/style: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/jsp/errorpage: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/jsp/metadataupdate: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /vgn/jsp/style: Vignette CMS admin/maintenance script available. + /webcgi/.cobalt: May allow remote admin of CGI scripts. + /mpcgi/.cobalt: May allow remote admin of CGI scripts. + /cgi-exe/.cobalt: May allow remote admin of CGI scripts. + /midicart.mdb: MIDICART database is available for browsing. This should not be allowed via the web server. See: + /mpcsoftweb_guestbook/database/mpcsoftweb_guestdata.mdb: MPCSoftWeb Guest Book passwords retrieved. See: + /shopping400.mdb: VP-ASP shopping cart application allows .mdb files (which may include customer data) to be downloaded via the web. These should not be available. See: + /shoppingdirectory/midicart.mdb: MIDICART database is available for browsing. This should not be allowed via the web server. See: + /webcgi/.access: Contains authorization information. + /bin/.access: Contains authorization information. + /mpcgi/.access: Contains authorization information. + /cgi-sys/.access: Contains authorization information. + /scripts/.access: Contains authorization information. + /scgi-bin/.access: Contains authorization information. + /cgi-bin-sdb/.access: Contains authorization information. + /cgi-mod/.access: Contains authorization information. + /shopa_sessionlist.asp: VP-ASP shopping cart test application is available from the web. This page may give the location of .mdb files which may also be available. + /typo3conf/: This may contain sensitive TYPO3 files. + /site/typo3conf/database.sql: TYPO3 SQL file found. + /typo/typo3conf/database.sql: TYPO3 SQL file found. + /typo/typo3conf/localconf.php: TYPO3 config file found. + /typo3/typo3conf/localconf.php: TYPO3 config file found. + /vchat/msg.txt: VChat allows user information to be retrieved. See: + /vgn/license: Vignette server license file found. See: + /webcart-lite/config/import.txt: This may allow attackers to read credit card data. Reconfigure to make this file not accessible via the web. See: + /webcart-lite/orders/import.txt: This may allow attackers to read credit card data. Reconfigure to make this file not accessible via the web. See: + /webcart/orders/: This may allow attackers to read credit card data. Reconfigure to make this dir not accessible via the web. See: + /SiteServer/Admin/knowledge/persmbr/VsLsLpRd.asp: Expose various LDAP service and backend configuration parameters. See: + /SiteServer/Admin/knowledge/persmbr/VsPrAuoEd.asp: Expose various LDAP service and backend configuration parameters. See: + /bin/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /cgi/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /cgi-bin/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /cgi-win/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /scgi-bin/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /cgi-bin-sdb/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /cgi-mod/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system. + /mpcgi/shtml.dll: This may allow attackers to retrieve document source. + /cgi-sys/shtml.dll: This may allow attackers to retrieve document source. + /scripts/shtml.dll: This may allow attackers to retrieve document source. + /cgi-win/shtml.dll: This may allow attackers to retrieve document source. + /cgi-exe/shtml.dll: This may allow attackers to retrieve document source. + /cgi-bin-sdb/shtml.dll: This may allow attackers to retrieve document source. + /webcgi/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /cgi-915/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /bin/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /mpcgi/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /cgi-sys/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /cgi-exe/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /scgi-bin/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /webcgi/aglimpse: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /cgi-915/aglimpse: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /bin/aglimpse: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /cgi/aglimpse: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /cgi-bin/aglimpse: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /scripts/aglimpse: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /cgi-win/aglimpse: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /cgi-exe/aglimpse: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /scgi-bin/aglimpse: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /cgi-mod/aglimpse: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands. + /webcgi/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-915/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands. + /scripts/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-exe/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands. + /scgi-bin/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-mod/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands. + /servlets/SchedulerTransfer: PeopleSoft SchedulerTransfer servlet found, which may allow remote command execution. See: + /webcgi/cmd.exe?/c+dir: cmd.exe can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi/cmd.exe?/c+dir: cmd.exe can execute arbitrary commands. + /mpcgi/cmd.exe?/c+dir: cmd.exe can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-sys/cmd.exe?/c+dir: cmd.exe can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-exe/cmd.exe?/c+dir: cmd.exe can execute arbitrary commands. + /scgi-bin/cmd.exe?/c+dir: cmd.exe can execute arbitrary commands. + /bin/cmd1.exe?/c+dir: cmd1.exe can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi/cmd1.exe?/c+dir: cmd1.exe can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-bin/cmd1.exe?/c+dir: cmd1.exe can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-win/cmd1.exe?/c+dir: cmd1.exe can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-mod/cmd1.exe?/c+dir: cmd1.exe can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-915/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands. + /mpcgi/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands. + /scripts/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-win/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-exe/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands. + /cgi-bin-sdb/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands. + /siteminder: This may be an indication that the server is running Siteminder for SSO. + /_cti_pvt/: FrontPage directory found. + /nsn/..%5Cutil/dir.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server. + /nsn/..%5Cutil/dsbrowse.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server. + /nsn/..%5Cutil/rd.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server. + /nsn/..%5Cutil/send.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server. + /nsn/..%5Cutil/set.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server. + /nsn/..%5Cutil/slist.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server. + /nsn/..%5Cutil/type.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server. + /nsn/..%5Cweb/env.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server. + /nsn/..%5Cwebdemo/env.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server. + /nsn/..%5Cwebdemo/fdir.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server. + /bin/archie: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /mpcgi/archie: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi-sys/archie: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /scripts/archie: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi-mod/archie: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /webcgi/calendar: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi-915/calendar: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /mpcgi/calendar: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /scripts/calendar: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /scgi-bin/calendar: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /webcgi/date: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi-915/date: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi/date: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi-bin/date: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi-win/date: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi-exe/date: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi-bin-sdb/date: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /bin/fortune: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /mpcgi/fortune: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi-sys/fortune: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi-win/fortune: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /scgi-bin/fortune: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi-mod/fortune: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /bin/redirect: Redirects via URL from form. + /cgi-bin/redirect: Redirects via URL from form. + /scripts/redirect: Redirects via URL from form. + /cgi-win/redirect: Redirects via URL from form. + /scgi-bin/redirect: Redirects via URL from form. + /cgi-bin-sdb/redirect: Redirects via URL from form. + /cgi-915/uptime: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /cgi/uptime: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /mpcgi/uptime: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /scripts/uptime: Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands. + /CVS/Entries: CVS Entries file may contain directory listing information. + /webcgi/mail: Simple Perl mailing script to send form data to a pre-configured email address. + /cgi-915/mail: Simple Perl mailing script to send form data to a pre-configured email address. + /mpcgi/mail: Simple Perl mailing script to send form data to a pre-configured email address. + /cgi-bin/mail: Simple Perl mailing script to send form data to a pre-configured email address. + /cgi-sys/mail: Simple Perl mailing script to send form data to a pre-configured email address. + /scripts/mail: Simple Perl mailing script to send form data to a pre-configured email address. + /cgi-mod/mail: Simple Perl mailing script to send form data to a pre-configured email address. + /cgi-915/query: Echoes back result of your GET. + /bin/query: Echoes back result of your GET. + /mpcgi/query: Echoes back result of your GET. + /cgi-bin/query: Echoes back result of your GET. + /scripts/query: Echoes back result of your GET. + /scgi-bin/query: Echoes back result of your GET. + /cgi-bin-sdb/query: Echoes back result of your GET. + /cgi-915/test-env: May echo environment variables or give directory listings. + /bin/test-env: May echo environment variables or give directory listings. + /cgi/test-env: May echo environment variables or give directory listings. + /cgi-bin/test-env: May echo environment variables or give directory listings. + /scripts/test-env: May echo environment variables or give directory listings. + /cgi-exe/test-env: May echo environment variables or give directory listings. + /admin-serv/config/admpw: This file contains the encrypted Netscape admin password. It should not be accessible via the web. + /cgi-bin/cgi_process: WASD reveals a lot of system information in this script. It should be removed. + /webcgi/orders/orders.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /cgi-915/orders/orders.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /bin/orders/orders.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /cgi/orders/orders.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /mpcgi/orders/orders.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /scripts/orders/orders.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /cgi-exe/orders/orders.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /scgi-bin/orders/orders.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /examples/servlet/AUX: Apache Tomcat versions below 4.1 may be vulnerable to DoS by repeatedly requesting this file. + /WebAdmin.dll?View=Logon: Some versions of WebAdmin are vulnerable to a remote DoS (not tested). See: + /cgi-915/snorkerz.cmd: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking. + /bin/snorkerz.cmd: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking. + /cgi-sys/snorkerz.cmd: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking. + /scripts/snorkerz.cmd: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking. + /cgi-win/snorkerz.cmd: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking. + /cgi-exe/snorkerz.cmd: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking. + /cgi-915/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi: SITEBUILDER v1.4 may allow retrieval of any file. With a valid username and password, request: /<CGIDIR>/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi?username=<user>&password=<password>&selectedpage=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd. See: + /mpcgi/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi: SITEBUILDER v1.4 may allow retrieval of any file. With a valid username and password, request: /<CGIDIR>/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi?username=<user>&password=<password>&selectedpage=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd. See: + /cgi-bin/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi: SITEBUILDER v1.4 may allow retrieval of any file. With a valid username and password, request: /<CGIDIR>/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi?username=<user>&password=<password>&selectedpage=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd. See: + /cgi-sys/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi: SITEBUILDER v1.4 may allow retrieval of any file. With a valid username and password, request: /<CGIDIR>/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi?username=<user>&password=<password>&selectedpage=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd. See: + /cgi-win/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi: SITEBUILDER v1.4 may allow retrieval of any file. With a valid username and password, request: /<CGIDIR>/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi?username=<user>&password=<password>&selectedpage=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd. See: + /cgi-exe/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi: SITEBUILDER v1.4 may allow retrieval of any file. With a valid username and password, request: /<CGIDIR>/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi?username=<user>&password=<password>&selectedpage=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd. See: + /scgi-bin/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi: SITEBUILDER v1.4 may allow retrieval of any file. With a valid username and password, request: /<CGIDIR>/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi?username=<user>&password=<password>&selectedpage=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi: SITEBUILDER v1.4 may allow retrieval of any file. With a valid username and password, request: /<CGIDIR>/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi?username=<user>&password=<password>&selectedpage=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd. See: + /cgi-mod/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi: SITEBUILDER v1.4 may allow retrieval of any file. With a valid username and password, request: /<CGIDIR>/sbcgi/sitebuilder.cgi?username=<user>&password=<password>&selectedpage=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd. See: + /admentor/adminadmin.asp: Version 2.11 of AdMentor is vulnerable to SQL injection during login, in the style of: ' or =. See: + /My_eGallery/public/displayCategory.php: My_eGallery prior to 3.1.1.g are vulnerable to a remote execution bug via SQL command injection. displayCategory.php calls imageFunctions.php without checking URL/location arguments. See: + /postnuke/My_eGallery/public/displayCategory.php: My_eGallery prior to 3.1.1.g are vulnerable to a remote execution bug via SQL command injection. displayCategory.php calls imageFunctions.php without checking URL/location arguments. See: + /postnuke/html/My_eGallery/public/displayCategory.php: My_eGallery prior to 3.1.1.g are vulnerable to a remote execution bug via SQL command injection. displayCategory.php calls imageFunctions.php without checking URL/location arguments. See: + /modules/My_eGallery/public/displayCategory.php: My_eGallery prior to 3.1.1.g are vulnerable to a remote execution bug via SQL command injection. displayCategory.php calls imageFunctions.php without checking URL/location arguments. See: + /phpBB/My_eGallery/public/displayCategory.php: My_eGallery prior to 3.1.1.g are vulnerable to a remote execution bug via SQL command injection. displayCategory.php calls imageFunctions.php without checking URL/location arguments. See: + /forum/My_eGallery/public/displayCategory.php: My_eGallery prior to 3.1.1.g are vulnerable to a remote execution bug via SQL command injection. displayCategory.php calls imageFunctions.php without checking URL/location arguments. See: + /webcgi/classifieds/index.cgi: My Classifieds pre 2.12 is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. + /bin/classifieds/index.cgi: My Classifieds pre 2.12 is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. + /cgi/classifieds/index.cgi: My Classifieds pre 2.12 is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. + /cgi-exe/classifieds/index.cgi: My Classifieds pre 2.12 is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. + /scgi-bin/classifieds/index.cgi: My Classifieds pre 2.12 is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. + /author.asp: May be FactoSystem CMS, which could include SQL injection problems that could not be tested remotely. See: + /webcgi/myguestbook.cgi?action=view: myGuestBook 1.0 may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in posted contents. Upgrade to the latest version. + /bin/myguestbook.cgi?action=view: myGuestBook 1.0 may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in posted contents. Upgrade to the latest version. + /scripts/myguestbook.cgi?action=view: myGuestBook 1.0 may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in posted contents. Upgrade to the latest version. + /cgi-bin-sdb/myguestbook.cgi?action=view: myGuestBook 1.0 may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in posted contents. Upgrade to the latest version. + /cgi-mod/myguestbook.cgi?action=view: myGuestBook 1.0 may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in posted contents. Upgrade to the latest version. + /webcgi/diagnose.cgi: This COWS (CGI Online Worldweb Shopping) script may give system information to attackers, and may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /cgi/diagnose.cgi: This COWS (CGI Online Worldweb Shopping) script may give system information to attackers, and may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /mpcgi/diagnose.cgi: This COWS (CGI Online Worldweb Shopping) script may give system information to attackers, and may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /cgi-bin/diagnose.cgi: This COWS (CGI Online Worldweb Shopping) script may give system information to attackers, and may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /scripts/diagnose.cgi: This COWS (CGI Online Worldweb Shopping) script may give system information to attackers, and may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /cgi-mod/diagnose.cgi: This COWS (CGI Online Worldweb Shopping) script may give system information to attackers, and may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /openautoclassifieds/friendmail.php?listing=<script>alert(document.domain);</script>: OpenAutoClassifieds 1.0 is vulnerable to a XSS attack. See: + /modules.php?op=modload&name=FAQ&file=index&myfaq=yes&id_cat=1&categories=%3Cimg%20src=javascript:alert(9456);%3E&parent_id=0: Post Nuke is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). + /members.asp?SF=%22;}alert(223344);function%20x()\{v%20=%22: Web Wiz Forums ver. 7.01 and below is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: OSVDB-4598 + /guestbook/?number=5&lng=%3Cscript%3Ealert(document.domain);%3C/script%3E: MPM Guestbook 1.2 and previous are vulnreable to XSS attacks. See: OSVDB-2754 + /forum_members.asp?find=%22;}alert(9823);function%20x()\{v%20=%22: Web Wiz Forums ver. 7.01 and below is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: OSVDB-2946 + /anthill/login.php: Anthill bug tracking system may be installed. Versions lower than allow XSS and may allow users to bypass login requirements. + /cgi-915/title.cgi: HNS's title.cgi is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS in version 2.00 and earlier, and Lite 0.8 and earlier. See: + /bin/title.cgi: HNS's title.cgi is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS in version 2.00 and earlier, and Lite 0.8 and earlier. See: + /cgi/title.cgi: HNS's title.cgi is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS in version 2.00 and earlier, and Lite 0.8 and earlier. See: + /mpcgi/title.cgi: HNS's title.cgi is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS in version 2.00 and earlier, and Lite 0.8 and earlier. See: + /cgi-sys/title.cgi: HNS's title.cgi is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS in version 2.00 and earlier, and Lite 0.8 and earlier. See: + /scripts/title.cgi: HNS's title.cgi is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS in version 2.00 and earlier, and Lite 0.8 and earlier. See: + /cgi-win/title.cgi: HNS's title.cgi is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS in version 2.00 and earlier, and Lite 0.8 and earlier. See: + /cgi-exe/title.cgi: HNS's title.cgi is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS in version 2.00 and earlier, and Lite 0.8 and earlier. See: + /scgi-bin/title.cgi: HNS's title.cgi is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS in version 2.00 and earlier, and Lite 0.8 and earlier. See: + /cgi-bin-sdb/title.cgi: HNS's title.cgi is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS in version 2.00 and earlier, and Lite 0.8 and earlier. See: + /cgi-915/compatible.cgi: This COWS (CGI Online Worldweb Shopping) script may give system information to attackers, and may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /cgi-bin/compatible.cgi: This COWS (CGI Online Worldweb Shopping) script may give system information to attackers, and may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /cgi-sys/compatible.cgi: This COWS (CGI Online Worldweb Shopping) script may give system information to attackers, and may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /cgi-exe/compatible.cgi: This COWS (CGI Online Worldweb Shopping) script may give system information to attackers, and may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /cgi-mod/compatible.cgi: This COWS (CGI Online Worldweb Shopping) script may give system information to attackers, and may be vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /webcgi/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&username=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /bin/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&username=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /cgi-sys/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&username=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /cgi-win/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&username=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /cgi-bin-sdb/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&username=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /webcgi/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&userNikto=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /cgi/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&userNikto=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /cgi-bin/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&userNikto=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /cgi-win/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&userNikto=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /cgi-exe/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&userNikto=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /scgi-bin/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&userNikto=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /cgi-bin-sdb/probecontrol.cgi?command=enable&userNikto=cancer&password=killer: This might be interesting: has been seen in web logs from a scanner. + /webcgi/webmap.cgi: nmap front end... could be fun. + /bin/webmap.cgi: nmap front end... could be fun. + /cgi/webmap.cgi: nmap front end... could be fun. + /mpcgi/webmap.cgi: nmap front end... could be fun. + Scan terminated: 0 error(s) and 568 item(s) reported on remote host + End Time: 2024-09-10 17:33:00 (GMT-4) (61 seconds) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + 1 host(s) tested