- Nikto --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Target IP: + Target Hostname: + Target Port: 80 + Start Time: 2024-08-17 03:11:57 (GMT-4) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Server: nginx + Root page / redirects to: + /em3NRXoF.php_bak:X-Frame-Options header is deprecated and has been replaced with the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header with the frame-ancestors directive instead. See: + /em3NRXoF.php_bak: Uncommon header 'server-timing' found, with contents: total;dur=37;desc="Backend Total [d]". + /em3NRXoF.php_bak: Uncommon header 'x-duckduckgo-results' found, with contents: 1. + /em3NRXoF.php_bak: Uncommon header 'x-duckduckgo-locale' found, with contents: en_US. + No CGI Directories found (use '-C all' to force check all possible dirs) + /robots.txt: contains 10 entries which should be manually viewed. See: + Multiple index files found: /, /default.htm, /index.shtml, /index.xml, /index.jsp, /index.jhtml, /index.html, /index.htm. + / PHP-Survey's include file should not be available via the web. Configure the web server to ignore .inc files or change this to See: + /bigconf.cgi: BigIP Configuration CGI. + /clusterframe.jsp: Macromedia JRun 4 build 61650 remote administration interface is vulnerable to several XSS attacks. + /IlohaMail/blank.html: IlohaMail 0.8.10 contains a XSS vulnerability. Previous versions contain other non-descript vulnerabilities. + /cartcart.cgi: If this is Dansie Shopping Cart 3.0.8 or earlier, it contains a backdoor to allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands. + /readme.eml: Remote server may be infected with the Nimda virus. + /view_source.jsp: Resin 2.1.2 view_source.jsp allows any file on the system to be viewed by using \..\ directory traversal. This script may be vulnerable. + /vider.php3: MySimpleNews may allow deleting of news items without authentication. See: + /wa.exe: An ASP page that allows attackers to upload files to server. + /midicart.mdb: MIDICART database is available for browsing. This should not be allowed via the web server. See: + /shopping300.mdb: VP-ASP shopping cart application allows .mdb files (which may include customer data) to be downloaded via the web. These should not be available. See: + /shopping400.mdb: VP-ASP shopping cart application allows .mdb files (which may include customer data) to be downloaded via the web. These should not be available. See: + /vchat/msg.txt: VChat allows user information to be retrieved. See: + /webcart-lite/config/import.txt: This may allow attackers to read credit card data. Reconfigure to make this file not accessible via the web. See: + /webcart-lite/orders/import.txt: This may allow attackers to read credit card data. Reconfigure to make this file not accessible via the web. See: + /webcart/config/clients.txt: This may allow attackers to read credit card data. Reconfigure to make this file not accessible via the web. See: + /webcart/orders/import.txt: This may allow attackers to read credit card data. Reconfigure to make this file not accessible via the web. See: + /ws_ftp.ini: Can contain saved passwords for FTP sites. + /WS_FTP.ini: Can contain saved passwords for FTP sites. + /quikstore.cfg: Shopping cart config file,, See: + /smg_Smxcfg30.exe?vcc=3560121183d3: This may be a Trend Micro Officescan 'backdoor'. + /LOGIN.PWD: MIPCD password file with unencrypted passwords. MIPDCD should not have the web interface enabled. + /WebAdmin.dll?View=Logon: Some versions of WebAdmin are vulnerable to a remote DoS (not tested). See: + /clusterframe.jsp?cluster=<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>: Macromedia JRun 4.x JMC Interface, clusterframe.jsp file is vulnerable to a XSS attack. See: OSVDB-2876 + /666%0a%0a<script>alert('Vulnerable');</script>666.jsp: Apache Tomcat 4.1 / Linux is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). + /setup.exe?<script>alert('Vulnerable')</script>&page=list_users&user=P: CiscoSecure ACS v3.0(1) Build 40 allows Cross Site Scripting (XSS). See: + /launch.jsp?NFuse_Application=<script>alert('Vulnerable')</script>: NFuse is vulnerable to cross site scripting (XSS) in the GetLastError function. Upgrade to the latest version. See: + /ext.dll?MfcIsapiCommand=LoadPage&page=admin.hts%20&a0=add&a1=root&a2=%5C: This check (A) sets up the next BadBlue test (B) for possible exploit. See: + /dcshop/auth_data/auth_user_file.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /dcshop/orders/orders.txt: The DCShop installation allows credit card numbers to be viewed remotely. See: + /chat/!nicks.txt: WF-Chat 1.0 Beta allows retrieval of user information. See: OSVDB-59646 + /chat/!pwds.txt: WF-Chat 1.0 Beta allows retrieval of user information. See: OSVDB-59645 + /cplogfile.log: XMB Magic Lantern forum 1.6b final log file is readable remotely. Upgrade to the latest version. See:, + /sqldump.sql: Database SQL?. + /structure.sql: Database SQL?. + /ip.txt: This may be User Online version 2.0, which has a remotely accessible log file. + /logicworks.ini: web-erp 0.1.4 and earlier allow .ini files to be read remotely. See: OSVDB-59536 + /ncl_items.shtml?SUBJECT=1: This may allow attackers to reconfigure your Tektronix printer. See: + /SetSecurity.shm: Cisco System's My Access for Wireless. This resource should be password protected. + /submit?setoption=q&option=allowed_ips&value= MLdonkey 2.x allows administrative interface access to be access from any IP. This is typically only found on port 4080. See: OSVDB-3126 + /sitemap.xml: This gives a nice listing of the site content. + /blahb.ida: Reveals physical path. To fix: Preferences -> Home directory -> Application & check 'Check if file exists' for the ISAPI mappings. See: + /blahb.idq: Reveals physical path. To fix: Preferences -> Home directory -> Application & check 'Check if file exists' for the ISAPI mappings. See: + /users.lst: LocalWEB2000 users.lst passwords found. See: + /WS_FTP.LOG: WS_FTP.LOG file was found. It may contain sensitive information. See: OSVDB-13405 + /counter/1/n/n/0/3/5/0/a/123.gif: The Roxen Counter may eat up excessive CPU time with image requests. See: OSVDB-155 + /wwwboard/passwd.txt: The wwwboard password file is browsable. Change wwwboard to store this file elsewhere, or upgrade to the latest version. See: + /buddies.blt: Buddy List?. + /buddy.blt: Buddy List?. + /buddylist.blt: Buddy List?. + /sqlnet.log: Oracle log file found. + /access.log: This might be interesting. + /admin.shtml: This might be interesting. + /awebvisit.stat: This might be interesting. + /dan_o.dat: This might be interesting. + /hits.txt: This might be interesting. + /log.txt: This might be interesting. + /logfile.txt: This might be interesting. + Scan terminated: 0 error(s) and 64 item(s) reported on remote host + End Time: 2024-08-17 03:12:58 (GMT-4) (61 seconds) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + 1 host(s) tested