Scan report for ""

Membership level: Free member
Nikto scan (max 60 sec) (nikto -host -maxtime 60)
- Nikto v2.5.0
+ Multiple IPs found:,,, 2606:4700:10::ac43:1497, 2606:4700:10::6816:1c57, 2606:4700:10::6816:1d57
+ Target IP:
+ Target Hostname:
+ Target Port:        80
+ Start Time:         2024-08-16 16:08:13 (GMT-4)
+ Server: cloudflare
+ /: IP address found in the '__cf_bm' cookie. The IP is "".
+ /: IP address found in the 'set-cookie' header. The IP is "". See:
+ /: An alt-svc header was found which is advertising HTTP/3. The endpoint is: ':443'. Nikto cannot test HTTP/3 over QUIC. See:
+ All CGI directories 'found', use '-C none' to test none
+ /cgi-bin/cart32.exe: request cart32.exe/cart32clientlist.
+ /cgibin/cart32.exe: request cart32.exe/cart32clientlist.
+ /cgi-win/cart32.exe: request cart32.exe/cart32clientlist.
+ /fcgi-bin/cart32.exe: request cart32.exe/cart32clientlist.
+ /cgi-exe/cart32.exe: request cart32.exe/cart32clientlist.
+ /cgi-home/cart32.exe: request cart32.exe/cart32clientlist.
+ /cgi-perl/cart32.exe: request cart32.exe/cart32clientlist.
+ /scgi-bin/cart32.exe: request cart32.exe/cart32clientlist.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/cart32.exe: request cart32.exe/cart32clientlist.
+ /cgi.cgi/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-914/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-915/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /mpcgi/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-bin/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /ows-bin/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /htbin/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgibin/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-win/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /fcgi-bin/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-perl/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/classified.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /webcgi/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-915/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-sys/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /htbin/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgibin/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /scripts/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-home/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /scgi-bin/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/download.cgi: Check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /cgi-914/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /cgi/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /mpcgi/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /cgi-bin/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /ows-bin/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /cgi-sys/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /cgi-local/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /scripts/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /cgi-win/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /cgi-mod/flexform.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP; allows to append info to writable files. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /webcgi/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /bin/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-sys/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-local/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /fcgi-bin/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-exe/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /scgi-bin/lwgate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /webcgi/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-915/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /bin/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /mpcgi/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-local/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /htbin/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgis/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-win/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-exe/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-home/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-perl/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /scgi-bin/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/LWGate.cgi: Check Phrack 55 for info by RFP. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /webcgi/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-915/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /bin/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /mpcgi/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-bin/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-local/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /htbin/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgibin/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgis/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-win/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /fcgi-bin/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-exe/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-perl/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /scgi-bin/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/perlshop.cgi: v3.1 by; check info in Phrack 55 by RFP. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners.
+ /cgi-915/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners.
+ /cgi/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners.
+ /cgi-bin/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners.
+ /htbin/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners.
+ /cgibin/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners.
+ /scripts/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners.
+ /cgi-exe/handler.cgi: Variation of Irix Handler? Has been seen from other CGI scanners.
+ /webcgi/ finger other users, may be other commands?.
+ /cgi-914/ finger other users, may be other commands?.
+ /cgi-915/ finger other users, may be other commands?.
+ /ows-bin/ finger other users, may be other commands?.
+ /cgibin/ finger other users, may be other commands?.
+ /scripts/ finger other users, may be other commands?.
+ /fcgi-bin/ finger other users, may be other commands?.
+ /cgi-home/ finger other users, may be other commands?.
+ /cgi-perl/ finger other users, may be other commands?.
+ /cgi-mod/ finger other users, may be other commands?.
+ /cgi.cgi/get32.exe: This can allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely.
+ /cgi-914/get32.exe: This can allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely.
+ /cgi-915/get32.exe: This can allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely.
+ /cgi/get32.exe: This can allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely.
+ /ows-bin/get32.exe: This can allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely.
+ /cgibin/get32.exe: This can allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely.
+ /scripts/get32.exe: This can allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely.
+ /cgi-win/get32.exe: This can allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely.
+ /cgi-exe/get32.exe: This can allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely.
+ /cgi-perl/get32.exe: This can allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely.
+ /scgi-bin/get32.exe: This can allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely.
+ /cgi.cgi/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See:
+ /cgi-914/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See:
+ /cgi-915/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See:
+ /mpcgi/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See:
+ /ows-bin/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See:
+ /htbin/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See:
+ /cgibin/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See:
+ /cgis/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See:
+ /cgi-win/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See:
+ /cgi-home/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See:
+ /cgi-mod/gm-authors.cgi: GreyMatter 'password' file, that controls who can post. This contains login and password information and is installed mode 666 by default. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems.
+ /webcgi/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems.
+ /cgi-915/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems.
+ /mpcgi/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems.
+ /cgi-sys/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems.
+ /cgi-local/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems.
+ /fcgi-bin/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems.
+ /cgi-exe/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems.
+ /cgi-mod/photo/protected/manage.cgi: My Photo Gallery management interface. May allow full access to photo galleries and more. Versions before 3.8 allowed anyone to view contents of any directory on systems.
+ /cgi.cgi/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories.
+ /webcgi/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories.
+ /cgi-914/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories.
+ /cgi-bin/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories.
+ /cgi-sys/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories.
+ /htbin/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories.
+ /cgi-win/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories.
+ /fcgi-bin/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories.
+ /cgi-exe/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories.
+ /cgi-perl/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/wrap.cgi: Allows viewing of directories.
+ /cgi.cgi/visadmin.exe: This CGI allows an attacker to crash the web server. Remove it from the CGI directory.
+ /webcgi/visadmin.exe: This CGI allows an attacker to crash the web server. Remove it from the CGI directory.
+ /cgi-914/visadmin.exe: This CGI allows an attacker to crash the web server. Remove it from the CGI directory.
+ /bin/visadmin.exe: This CGI allows an attacker to crash the web server. Remove it from the CGI directory.
+ /ows-bin/visadmin.exe: This CGI allows an attacker to crash the web server. Remove it from the CGI directory.
+ /cgis/visadmin.exe: This CGI allows an attacker to crash the web server. Remove it from the CGI directory.
+ /cgi-win/visadmin.exe: This CGI allows an attacker to crash the web server. Remove it from the CGI directory.
+ /cgi-perl/visadmin.exe: This CGI allows an attacker to crash the web server. Remove it from the CGI directory.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/visadmin.exe: This CGI allows an attacker to crash the web server. Remove it from the CGI directory.
+ /cgi.cgi/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /webcgi/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-915/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /bin/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /ows-bin/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgis/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-exe/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-perl/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /scgi-bin/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-mod/html2chtml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi.cgi/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-915/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /mpcgi/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-bin/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-local/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /htbin/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgibin/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /scripts/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-win/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /fcgi-bin/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-perl/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /scgi-bin/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-mod/html2wml.cgi: Html2Wml < 0.4.8 access local files via CGI, and more.
+ /cgi-914/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /bin/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /ows-bin/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-sys/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-local/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /htbin/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgis/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /scripts/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-exe/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-home/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-perl/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /scgi-bin/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-mod/echo.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /bin/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /mpcgi/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi-sys/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi-local/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgis/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /fcgi-bin/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi-exe/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi-home/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi-perl/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi-mod/guestbook.cgi: May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /webcgi/ May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi-915/ May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi/ May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgibin/ May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /scripts/ May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi-win/ May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi-perl/ May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /scgi-bin/ May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi-mod/ May allow attackers to execute commands as the web daemon.
+ /cgi.cgi/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /webcgi/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /cgi-914/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /cgi-915/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /bin/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /cgi/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /mpcgi/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /cgi-bin/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /ows-bin/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /htbin/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /cgibin/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /cgis/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /cgi-win/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /fcgi-bin/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /cgi-exe/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /cgi-home/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /cgi-perl/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /cgi-mod/gH.cgi: Web backdoor by gH.
+ /mpcgi/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See:
+ /cgi-sys/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See:
+ /cgi-local/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See:
+ /cgi-win/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See:
+ /fcgi-bin/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See:
+ /cgi-exe/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See:
+ /cgi-home/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See:
+ /cgi-perl/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See:
+ /scgi-bin/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See:
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/gm-cplog.cgi: GreyMatter log file defaults to mode 666 and contains login and passwords used to update the GM site. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See:
+ /bin/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See:
+ /ows-bin/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See:
+ /htbin/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See:
+ /cgibin/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See:
+ /scripts/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See:
+ /cgi-mod/gm.cgi: GreyMatter blogger may reveal user IDs/passwords through a gmrightclick-######.reg files (# are numbers), possibly in /archive or other archive location. See:
+ /webcgi/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /cgi-915/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /bin/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /cgi-bin/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /ows-bin/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /cgi-sys/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /cgi-local/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /cgibin/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /cgi-win/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /cgi-exe/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /cgi-perl/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /scgi-bin/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/AT-admin.cgi: Admin interface.
+ /webcgi/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /mpcgi/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /htbin/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /scripts/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi-win/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi-mod/mt-static/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi.cgi/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi-914/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /bin/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /mpcgi/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi-local/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /htbin/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgibin/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgis/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /scripts/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi-exe/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi-home/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi-perl/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /cgi-mod/mt/mt-check.cgi: Movable Type weblog diagnostic script found. Reveals docroot path, operating system, Perl version, and modules.
+ /webcgi/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-914/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-915/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /bin/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /mpcgi/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /htbin/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgibin/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgis/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-win/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-exe/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-perl/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /scgi-bin/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/banner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /webcgi/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-914/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /bin/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /mpcgi/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-bin/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /ows-bin/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-sys/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-local/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /htbin/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /scripts/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-exe/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-home/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /scgi-bin/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-mod/bannereditor.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /webcgi/ Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /mpcgi/ Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-bin/ Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /ows-bin/ Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-sys/ Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /htbin/ Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgis/ Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-perl/ Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-914/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See:
+ /cgi-915/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See:
+ /mpcgi/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See:
+ /ows-bin/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See:
+ /cgi-sys/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See:
+ /htbin/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See:
+ /cgibin/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See:
+ /cgi-home/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See:
+ /cgi-perl/bizdb1-search.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute commands remotely. See:
+ /webcgi/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /cgi-914/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /bin/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /cgi/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /mpcgi/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /ows-bin/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /htbin/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /fcgi-bin/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /cgi-home/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /scgi-bin/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /cgi-mod/blog/mt-load.cgi: Movable Type weblog installation CGI found. May be able to reconfigure or reload.
+ /SiteServer/Admin/commerce/foundation/domain.asp: Displays known domains of which that server is involved. See:
+ /SiteServer/Admin/commerce/foundation/driver.asp: Displays a list of installed ODBC drivers. See:
+ /SiteServer/Admin/commerce/foundation/DSN.asp: Displays all DSNs configured for selected ODBC drivers. See:
+ /cgi-914/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See:
+ /cgi/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See:
+ /cgi-bin/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See:
+ /cgi-local/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See:
+ /htbin/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See:
+ /scripts/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See:
+ /fcgi-bin/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See:
+ /cgi-exe/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See:
+ /cgi-home/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See:
+ /cgi-mod/moin.cgi?test: MoinMoin 1.1 and prior contain at least two XSS vulnerabilities. Version 1.0 and prior also contains a XSLT related vulnerability. See:
+ /IlohaMail/blank.html: IlohaMail 0.8.10 contains a XSS vulnerability. Previous versions contain other non-descript vulnerabilities.
+ /SiteServer/Admin/knowledge/dsmgr/users/GroupManager.asp: Microsoft Site Server script used to create, modify, and potentially delete LDAP users and groups. See:
+ /SiteServer/Admin/knowledge/dsmgr/users/UserManager.asp: Microsoft Site Server used to create, modify, and potentially delete LDAP users and groups. See:
+ /view_source.jsp: Resin 2.1.2 view_source.jsp allows any file on the system to be viewed by using \..\ directory traversal. This script may be vulnerable.
+ /webcgi/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See:
+ /mpcgi/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See:
+ /cgi-bin/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See:
+ /ows-bin/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See:
+ /cgi-sys/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See:
+ /cgi-local/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See:
+ /cgis/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See:
+ /cgi-win/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See:
+ /fcgi-bin/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See:
+ /cgi-exe/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See:
+ /scgi-bin/astrocam.cgi: Astrocam 1.4.1 contained buffer overflow. Prior to 2.1.3 contained unspecified security bugs. See:
+ /cgi-915/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded.
+ /mpcgi/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded.
+ /cgi-bin/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded.
+ /ows-bin/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded.
+ /cgi-sys/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded.
+ /cgi-win/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded.
+ /cgi-exe/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded.
+ /cgi-home/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded.
+ /scgi-bin/badmin.cgi: BannerWheel v1.0 is vulnerable to a local buffer overflow. If this is version 1.0 it should be upgraded.
+ /webcgi/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgi-914/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgi-915/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgi/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgi-bin/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /ows-bin/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgi-sys/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgi-local/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgibin/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /scripts/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgi-win/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /fcgi-bin/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgi-home/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgi-perl/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /scgi-bin/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgi-mod/boozt/admin/index.cgi?section=5&input=1: Boozt CGI may have a buffer overflow. Upgrade to a version newer than 0.9.8alpha. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /webcgi/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /bin/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /ows-bin/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-sys/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /htbin/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgibin/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-win/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-home/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-perl/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /scgi-bin/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-mod/ezadmin.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /webcgi/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /bin/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-bin/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-local/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgibin/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /scripts/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /fcgi-bin/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-home/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-perl/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /scgi-bin/ezboard.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-915/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /bin/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-sys/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-local/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /htbin/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgibin/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgis/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-win/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-perl/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi-mod/ezman.cgi: Some versions of this CGI are vulnerable to a buffer overflow.
+ /cgi.cgi/foxweb.exe: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See:
+ /cgi-914/foxweb.exe: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See:
+ /cgi-915/foxweb.exe: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See:
+ /bin/foxweb.exe: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See:
+ /cgi/foxweb.exe: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See:
+ /cgi-bin/foxweb.exe: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See:
+ /ows-bin/foxweb.exe: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See:
+ /cgi-local/foxweb.exe: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See:
+ /cgi-exe/foxweb.exe: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See:
+ /cgi-perl/foxweb.exe: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See:
+ /cgi-mod/foxweb.exe: Foxweb 2.5 and below is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (not tested or confirmed). Verify Foxweb is the latest available version. See:
+ /webcgi/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /cgi-914/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /cgi-915/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /bin/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /cgi/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /mpcgi/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /cgi-bin/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /cgi-local/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /cgibin/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /cgis/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /scripts/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /cgi-win/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /cgi-perl/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /scgi-bin/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /cgi-mod/uploader.exe: This CGI allows attackers to upload files to the server and then execute them.
+ /uploadn.asp: An ASP page that allows attackers to upload files to server.
+ /uploadx.asp: An ASP page that allows attackers to upload files to server.
+ /cgi.cgi/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /cgi-914/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /bin/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /mpcgi/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /cgi-bin/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /ows-bin/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /cgi-sys/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /htbin/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /cgibin/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /cgis/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /scripts/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /cgi-win/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /fcgi-bin/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /cgi-home/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /cgi-perl/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /cgi-mod/fpsrvadm.exe: Potentially vulnerable CGI program.
+ /MIDICART/midicart.mdb: MIDICART database is available for browsing. This should not be allowed via the web server. See:
+ /news/news.mdb: Web Wiz Site News release v3.06 admin password database is available and unencrypted.
+ /shoppingdirectory/midicart.mdb: MIDICART database is available for browsing. This should not be allowed via the web server. See:
+ /database/db2000.mdb: Max Web Portal database is available remotely. It should be moved from the default location to a directory outside the web root. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /webcgi/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /bin/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /mpcgi/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /cgi-bin/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /ows-bin/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /cgi-sys/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /htbin/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /scripts/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /cgi-win/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /fcgi-bin/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /cgi-exe/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /cgi-perl/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /cgi-mod/ Sambar may allow anonymous email to be sent from any host via this CGI. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /webcgi/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /bin/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /cgi/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /mpcgi/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /cgi-bin/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /cgi-sys/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /cgis/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /cgi-win/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /cgi-home/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /cgi-perl/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /scgi-bin/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /cgi-mod/%2e%2e/abyss.conf: The Abyss configuration file was successfully retrieved. Upgrade with the latest version/patches for 1.0. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /cgi-914/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /cgi-915/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /cgi/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /ows-bin/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /cgi-sys/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /cgibin/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /cgis/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /scripts/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /fcgi-bin/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /cgi-home/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /cgi-perl/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /scgi-bin/MsmMask.exe: MondoSearch 4.4 may allow source code viewing by requesting MsmMask.exe?mask=/filename.asp where 'filename.asp' is a real ASP file. See:
+ /SiteServer/Admin/knowledge/persmbr/VsLsLpRd.asp: Expose various LDAP service and backend configuration parameters. See:
+ /tvcs/getservers.exe?action=selects1: Following steps 2-4 of this page may reveal a zip file that contains passwords and system details.
+ /nsn/fdir.bas:ShowVolume: You can use ShowVolume and ShowDirectory directly on the Novell server (NW5.1) to view the filesystem without having to log in.
+ /cgi-914/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /bin/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-bin/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-sys/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /scripts/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /fcgi-bin/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-exe/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /scgi-bin/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-mod/addbanner.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to read any file on the system.
+ /cgi-914/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-915/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /ows-bin/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-local/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /htbin/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgibin/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgis/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /scripts/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-home/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-mod/aglimpse.cgi: This CGI may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi.cgi/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /bin/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-bin/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-sys/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-local/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /scripts/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-win/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /fcgi-bin/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-perl/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /scgi-bin/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-mod/architext_query.cgi: Versions older than 1.1 of Excite for Web Servers allow attackers to execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi.cgi/hello.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-915/hello.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi/hello.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-bin/hello.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-win/hello.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-perl/hello.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /scgi-bin/hello.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/hello.bat?&dir+c:\\: This batch file may allow attackers to execute remote commands.
+ /cgi.cgi/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-914/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-915/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /bin/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /ows-bin/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-sys/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-local/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgibin/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /scripts/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-exe/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-home/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /scgi-bin/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /cgi-mod/post32.exe|dir%20c:\\: post32 can execute arbitrary commands.
+ /IDSWebApp/IDSjsp/Login.jsp: Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration.
+ /quikstore.cgi: A shopping cart.
+ /smg_Smxcfg30.exe?vcc=3560121183d3: This may be a Trend Micro Officescan 'backdoor'.
+ /nsn/..%5Cutil/dir.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server.
+ /nsn/..%5Cutil/glist.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server.
+ /nsn/..%5Cutil/rd.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server.
+ /nsn/..%5Cutil/ren.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server.
+ /nsn/..%5Cutil/userlist.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server.
+ /nsn/..%5Cweb/env.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server.
+ /nsn/..%5Cwebdemo/fdir.bas: Netbase util access is possible which means that several utility scripts might be run (including directory listings, NDS tree enumeration and running .bas files on server.
+ /cgi.cgi/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /webcgi/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-914/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-915/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-bin/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /htbin/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /scripts/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-win/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-home/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi.cgi/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-914/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-915/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /bin/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-bin/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-sys/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /htbin/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgibin/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /scripts/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-win/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-home/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-perl/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /cgi-mod/ Gateway to the unix command, may be able to submit extra commands.
+ /USER/CONFIG.AP: MIPCD configuration information. MIPCD should not have the web interface enabled.
+ /webcgi/ Gives more information in error messages.
+ /cgi-914/ Gives more information in error messages.
+ /cgi-915/ Gives more information in error messages.
+ /cgi/ Gives more information in error messages.
+ /cgi-sys/ Gives more information in error messages.
+ /htbin/ Gives more information in error messages.
+ /cgi-win/ Gives more information in error messages.
+ /cgi-home/ Gives more information in error messages.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/ Gives more information in error messages.
+ /cgi-mod/ Gives more information in error messages.
+ /webcgi/test-cgi.tcl: May echo environment variables or give directory listings.
+ /cgi-914/test-cgi.tcl: May echo environment variables or give directory listings.
+ /cgi-915/test-cgi.tcl: May echo environment variables or give directory listings.
+ /cgi-sys/test-cgi.tcl: May echo environment variables or give directory listings.
+ /htbin/test-cgi.tcl: May echo environment variables or give directory listings.
+ /cgibin/test-cgi.tcl: May echo environment variables or give directory listings.
+ /cgis/test-cgi.tcl: May echo environment variables or give directory listings.
+ /scripts/test-cgi.tcl: May echo environment variables or give directory listings.
+ /cgi-win/test-cgi.tcl: May echo environment variables or give directory listings.
+ /cgi-home/test-cgi.tcl: May echo environment variables or give directory listings.
+ /cgi-perl/test-cgi.tcl: May echo environment variables or give directory listings.
+ /ht_root/wwwroot/-/local/httpd$map.conf: WASD reveals the http configuration file. Upgrade to a later version and secure according to the documents on the WASD web site.
+ /cgi.cgi/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /webcgi/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /cgi/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /cgi-bin/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /cgi-sys/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /cgibin/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /scripts/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /cgi-win/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /fcgi-bin/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /cgi-exe/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /scgi-bin/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /cgi-mod/cgitest.exe: This CGI allows remote users to download other CGI source code. May have a buffer overflow in the User-Agent header.
+ /cgi-914/hpnst.exe?c=p+i=SrvSystemInfo.html: HP Instant TopTools may be vulnerable to a DoS by requesting hpnst.exe?c=p+i=hpnst.exe multiple times. See:
+ /cgi/hpnst.exe?c=p+i=SrvSystemInfo.html: HP Instant TopTools may be vulnerable to a DoS by requesting hpnst.exe?c=p+i=hpnst.exe multiple times. See:
+ /ows-bin/hpnst.exe?c=p+i=SrvSystemInfo.html: HP Instant TopTools may be vulnerable to a DoS by requesting hpnst.exe?c=p+i=hpnst.exe multiple times. See:
+ /cgi-sys/hpnst.exe?c=p+i=SrvSystemInfo.html: HP Instant TopTools may be vulnerable to a DoS by requesting hpnst.exe?c=p+i=hpnst.exe multiple times. See:
+ /scripts/hpnst.exe?c=p+i=SrvSystemInfo.html: HP Instant TopTools may be vulnerable to a DoS by requesting hpnst.exe?c=p+i=hpnst.exe multiple times. See:
+ /cgi-win/hpnst.exe?c=p+i=SrvSystemInfo.html: HP Instant TopTools may be vulnerable to a DoS by requesting hpnst.exe?c=p+i=hpnst.exe multiple times. See:
+ /fcgi-bin/hpnst.exe?c=p+i=SrvSystemInfo.html: HP Instant TopTools may be vulnerable to a DoS by requesting hpnst.exe?c=p+i=hpnst.exe multiple times. See:
+ /cgi-exe/hpnst.exe?c=p+i=SrvSystemInfo.html: HP Instant TopTools may be vulnerable to a DoS by requesting hpnst.exe?c=p+i=hpnst.exe multiple times. See:
+ /cgi-home/hpnst.exe?c=p+i=SrvSystemInfo.html: HP Instant TopTools may be vulnerable to a DoS by requesting hpnst.exe?c=p+i=hpnst.exe multiple times. See:
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/hpnst.exe?c=p+i=SrvSystemInfo.html: HP Instant TopTools may be vulnerable to a DoS by requesting hpnst.exe?c=p+i=hpnst.exe multiple times. See:
+ /cgi-mod/hpnst.exe?c=p+i=SrvSystemInfo.html: HP Instant TopTools may be vulnerable to a DoS by requesting hpnst.exe?c=p+i=hpnst.exe multiple times. See:
+ /Config1.htm: This may be a D-Link. Some devices have a DoS condition if an oversized POST request is sent. This DoS was not tested. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /webcgi/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-914/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-bin/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /ows-bin/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-local/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /htbin/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgibin/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgis/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-win/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-exe/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-mod/Pbcgi.exe?bcgiu4: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to Pbcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-bin/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /ows-bin/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-local/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgibin/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /scripts/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /fcgi-bin/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-home/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-perl/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /scgi-bin/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/testcgi.exe: Sambar may be vulnerable to a DOS when a long string is passed to testcgi.exe (not attempted). Default CGI should be removed from web servers. See:
+ /cgi-win/cgitest.exe: This CGI may allow the server to be crashed remotely. See:
+ /cgi.cgi/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /cgi-915/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /bin/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /cgi/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /mpcgi/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /cgi-sys/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /htbin/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /scripts/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /cgi-win/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /cgi-home/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /scgi-bin/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /cgi-bin-sdb/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ /cgi-mod/snorkerz.bat: Arguments passed to DOS CGI without checking.
+ Scan terminated: 0 error(s) and 701 item(s) reported on remote host
+ End Time:           2024-08-16 16:09:14 (GMT-4) (61 seconds)
+ 1 host(s) tested
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Nikto scan (max 60 sec)
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nikto -host -maxtime 60
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16 Aug 2024 16:09
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