Scan report for ""
Nikto scan (max 60 sec) (nikto -host -maxtime 60)
- Nikto v2.5.0
+ Multiple IPs found:, 2600:141b:1c00:248c::356e, 2600:141b:1c00:2489::356e
+ Target IP:
+ Target Hostname:
+ Target Port: 80
+ Start Time: 2024-09-22 01:46:53 (GMT-4)
+ Server: AkamaiNetStorage
+ /: The X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. This could allow the user agent to render the content of the site in a different fashion to the MIME type. See:
+ /b9DlFaE0.xsl: Uncommon header 'x-edgeconnect-midmile-rtt' found, with contents: 16.
+ /b9DlFaE0.xsl: Uncommon header 'x-rtag' found, with contents: RT.
+ /b9DlFaE0.xsl: Uncommon header 'x-edgeconnect-origin-mex-latency' found, with contents: 74.
+ /b9DlFaE0.xsl: Uncommon header 'ms-cv-esi' found, with contents: CASMicrosoftCV16819db6.0.
+ /b9DlFaE0.xsl: Uncommon header 'ms-cv' found, with contents: CASMicrosoftCV16819db6.0.
+ /b9DlFaE0.xsl: Uncommon header 'tls_version' found, with multiple values: (tls1.3,UNKNOWN,).
+ Scan terminated: 0 error(s) and 7 item(s) reported on remote host
+ End Time: 2024-09-22 01:48:07 (GMT-4) (74 seconds)
+ 1 host(s) tested
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Scan method
Nikto scan (max 60 sec)
Run command
nikto -host -maxtime 60
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Scan date
22 Sep 2024 01:48
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