- Nikto --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Multiple IPs found:, + Target IP: + Target Hostname: dev.ap.sumitomoriko.com + Target Port: 80 + Start Time: 2024-09-24 03:13:50 (GMT-4) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Server: PWS/ + /: Retrieved via header: 1.1 PS-000-01QHE24:8 (W), 1.1 PS-IAD-0455N220:16 (W). + /: IP address found in the 'server' header. The IP is "". See: https://portswigger.net/kb/issues/00600300_private-ip-addresses-disclosed + /: Uncommon header 'x-ws-request-id' found, with contents: 66f266b1_PS-IAD-04SSt219_39988-54105. + /: Uncommon header 'x-px' found, with contents: ms PS-IAD-0455N220IAD,ms PS-000-01QHE24000(origin). + /: Uncommon header 'ws-waf-response' found, with contents: Origin. + Scan terminated: 0 error(s) and 5 item(s) reported on remote host + End Time: 2024-09-24 03:14:54 (GMT-4) (64 seconds) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + 1 host(s) tested